Pompilus varius Fabricius, 1804:189, sex not indicated.America meridionali (Mus. Dom. de Sefestedt, leg. Dom. Smidt.); Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442.:264, Type ♂ (Copenhagen Mus.). - Smith, 1855Smith, F. 1855. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part III, Mutillidae and Pompilidae. :203 pp, 5 pl.:153 (listed); Fox, 1897Fox, W.J. 1897. Contributions to a knowledge of the Hymenoptera of Brazil, No. 2. - Pompilidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 49:229-283. (distribution), 256 (listed); Dalla Torre, 1897Dalla Torre, C.G. 1897. Catalogus hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Volumen VIII: Fossores (Sphegidae). Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig. 1-749.:331 (listed); Banks, 1947Banks, N. 1947. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 2. Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin 99:371-486.:420 (listed); Junco y Reyes, 1959Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1959. Himenópteros de Espana. Fam. Pompilidae (=Psammocharidae) Gen. Anopilus Duf. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 35:41-95.:56 (listed). - As Anoplius varius: - Banks, 1944Banks, N. 1944. The Psammocharidae (Hymenoptera) taken at Kartabo and other localities in British Guiana. Zoologica 29:97-112. (distribution), 112 (listed); Banks, 1947Banks, N. 1947. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 2. Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin 99:371-486. (distribution), 420 (listed); Junco y Reyes, 1959Junco y Reyes, J.J. 1959. Himenópteros de Espana. Fam. Pompilidae (=Psammocharidae) Gen. Anopilus Duf. EOS Revista Española de Entomologia 35:41-95. (distribution); Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442. (distribution); Cambra et al., 2004Cambra, R.A., D.A. Quintero & R.J. Miranda 2004. Presas, comportamiento de anidación y nuevos registros de distribución en Pompílidos Neotropicales (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Tecnociencia 6 (1):95-109. (distribution); Rasmussen & Asenjo, 2009Rasmussen, C. & A. Asenjo 2009. A checklist to the wasps of Peru (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). ZooKeys 15:1-78. (distribution); Santos et al., 2015Santos, E.F. dos, Y.C Grandinete & F.B. Noll 2015. Additions to the checklist of Scoliidae, Sphecidae, Pompilidae and Vespidae of Peru, with notes on the endemic status of some species (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). ZooKeys 519:33-48. (distribution); Fernández et al., 2017Fernández, F., V. Castro, J. Rodríguez, C. Waichert & J.P. Pitts 2017. Avispas cazadoras de arañas de Colombia (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Proceditor Ltda., Bogotá, D. C., Colombia. (distribution); Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution).
Psammochares caloderes Banks, 1945:102, Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442.:264, Type ♀ (MCZ, no. 26,229). Synonymized with Anoplius varius (Fabricius, 1804) by Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442.:264. - Banks, 1947Banks, N. 1947. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 2. Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin 99:371-486. (distribution), 406 (listed). - As Anoplius caloderes: - Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution).
Psammochares alcatara Banks, 1945:103, Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442.:264, Type ♀ (MCZ, no. 26,228). Synonymized with Anoplius varius (Fabricius, 1804) by Evans, 1966Evans, H.E. 1966. A revision of the Mexican and central American spider wasps of the subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society :1-442.:264. - As Anoplius alcataria: - Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution). - As Anoplius alcataria: - Fernández et al., 2022Fernández, F., J. Rodriguez, C. Waichert, B. Decker & J. Pitts 2022. Twenty two years later: An updated checklist of Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Zootaxa 5116 (4):451-503. (distribution). - As Psammochares alcataria: - Banks, 1947Banks, N. 1947. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 2. Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin 99:371-486. (distribution), 404 (listed). - As Psammochares alcataria: - Banks, 1947Banks, N. 1947. Studies of South American Psammocharidae. Part 2. Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin 99:371-486. (distribution), 404 (listed).